About Us

Sprabuild have been looking after local garages and dealerships since 1992.

We have developed a specialist metal spraying process which is in demand from countries as diverse as the USA and Sweden.

Our main market is with locally based businesses where our expertise enables them to offer high specialist services to their customers.

We have a number of high precision machines which enables us to undertake a broad range of engineering and metal spraying tasks.

Our qualified engineering staff have over the years developed many one off solutions for different problems and enabled many valuable and historical engines to continue to operate and give value long after their expected lifetime.

Among the higher end motor vehicle engines we are proud to have worked on are BMW, Volvo and Mercedes.

Enabling commercial engines to give continuing value and thus extending their working lives to add greater profitability on capital invested to their owners has been a cornerstone of Sprabuild’s commitment to our business customers.